Thursday, 10 May 2012

This weeks work: May 7th 2012

This week I have had to condense my volunteer activities into two full days in order to accomodate te bank holiday. Usually I would be at SWiB all day on a Monday and Cotehele all day on Wednesday and Friday but this week I have been at SWiB all day Tuesday and Cotehele all day Wednesday.


This week at SWiB I have been continuing with my Roy Westlake collection, the first collection I have been asked to do for SWiB now that I have passed my 2 months of data entry! Last week I began the task of seperating each segment of the chosen collection "Iconic Images of Plymouth" or "RW-22" for those of you at SWiB, having created the sub-categories I then began the long task of scanning selected colour, positive and negative film from each category onto the database, editing colour and cropping as I went. Unfortunately technology was not on my side and having had to restart my computer about 5 times I only managed to scan 10 of the 30 subcatergories onto the database, I have planned to continue the scanning over the next two sessions in light of these problems.

A small sample of other images from the Roy Westlake collection are available to view on the SWiB facebook page:!/media/set/?set=a.86491223660.82253.86487998660&type=3


This week has been my first week volunteering at Cotehele House, managing the Victorian Library. In dire contrast to last weeks sunshine when my interview took place I had to hop most of the way round to the stewards quarters this week due to the puddles and streams running over the cobbles within the central courtyard. However I was very warmly recieved upon entering the quarters, despite being the youngest volunteer by about forty years! Tea, Coffee and even biscuits were offered as we all sat to hear the breiefing of the days activities - turns out that the Victorian library is a highly coveted position being the only room with a working radiator!

Once settled in the room I set to work reading the various booklets explaining collections within the room (I did not want to get caught umming and ahhhhing when the soggy but inquisative members of the public arrived!) The library is home to our temporary displays of items donated by the public and whilst the items do not come from the house themselves they do tell us a lot about the time in which the Edgcumbe family lived at the house - the Victorian period. The current collections within the library include: The Striplin Collection - An array of commemorative china celebratuing the 60th anniversary of Queen Victoria on the throne, the Animal magic collecton (Currently to be found in the old dungeon) which includes a shark backbone, a turtles shell, various ceramic animal related items and most interestingly a stuffed Rhino head...

I enjoyed my first day immensly and sent myself home with the detailed room booklet in the hope of learning it off by heart (???) All of my fellow volunteers made me feel very welcome and I look forward to next weeks session albeit with the hope for slightly drier weather!

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